Monday, January 21, 2013

On the Brink of Adventure...

Surreal. That has been the way my commrades and I have been describing our current sensation. After driving two hours to Harrisburg, PA and climbing on a tiny plane to fly to Chicago, I have finally arrived at the gateway to my study abroad. And while the Chicago airport is not necessarily the most exciting place to say goodbye to America, it is a reassuring place. Especially comforting is the fact that I am not facing this unknown adventure alone. Luckily, I have met up with three other girls from my program who are flying on my same flight. Being able to share the excitment and nervousness with others is definitely reassuring.

It is hard to imagine that in about 10 hours, I will be wandering through the streets of Madrid, surrounded by renaissance buildings, Spanish speakers, and of course some delicious Spanish cuisine. This is the begining of it all and this layover may be the most torturous thing I have experienced in awhile. I cannot WAIT to get on the plane!

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